My Invisible Soulmate(chapter 2)
Chapter 2
Being a teenager is not so easy, too many problems and sometimes i even wanted to leave this world but i was stopped...
My mind kept talking to was like something inside me was speaking to me...Every night it talked to me.
I thought it was me all the time but it didn't feel so. So I checked the whole room and didn't find anyone. I thought I was imagining things so I decided to off the lights and lie down. I closed my eyes.....but heard a sound like as if someone was whispering to me...I was sweating a lot...and i slowly opened my eyes....and saw a light....
It wasn't like a normal one but more like a person... I rubbed my eyes over and over again but still I could see the light in the shape of a person...
I was stuck... I couldn't move my body.. I was terrified...more like paralysed.
'Who are you...?! What do you want?!'
I asked. I was frightened to death..
Have you ever imagined a light speaking to you...what would you do if it happens to you...? be honest,
What happened to me was..."I fainted".
And later when i opened my eyes i found myself in the bed and it was already morning.
"What a scary dream !"
These days I'm having too many nightmares....
But why do I feel it more real than just a dream..?
Could it be real....or just a nightmare...
Im so confused...what could it be...
To be continued......
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